CLIFOOD: Field trip within the Block Seminar 5
3 March 2019, Germany
As always, a field trip was a part of the Block Seminar Program. This time the participants were offered to visit local food producers in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. They first visited a family farm Haldenhof, producing crops, milk, eggs, and food pasta. In the afternoon an excursion through the Schell Chocolate Manufactory was organized. The Manufactory owner Mr. Schell introduced the factory and explained its history and philosophy. Participants tested the manufactory products and tried out their creativeness and confectionery skills during the master class on chocolate production.
This seminar is part of the qualification program for the SDG Graduate School CLIFOOD, it is the fifth of seven Block Seminars planned per generation of PhD Scholars between the Hawassa University (HU) in Ethiopia and the University of Hohenheim (UHOH) in Germany.