Hasan Yusuf Mohammed


Area of Expertise


Current Research

Sustainable rangeland management: How grazing management and woody cover can alter herbaceous species richness, forage quantity, and carbon stocks in semi-arid rangelands of Ethiopia?

Research Countries


Professional Experience


Current FSC Status


Year of FSC Scholarship


Institute during FSC Scholarship

Faculty of Agroecology in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Hohenheim, Germany

Home Institute

College of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Plant Science, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Doctoral Institute

Faculty of Agroecology in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Hohenheim, Germany





Important Publications

Hasen-Yusuf, M., Treydte, A.C., Abule, E., Sauerborn, J. (2013). Predicting aboveground biomass of woody encroacher species in semi-arid rangelands, Ethiopia. Journal of Arid Environments 96:64-72.

Hasen-Yusuf, M., Treydte, A.C. (2012). Carbon sequestration potentials of semi-arid rangelands, Southern Ethiopia. DAAD Alumni Summer School, Hohenheim University; September 15, 2012.

Hasen-Yusuf, M., Angassa, A., Baumgartner, S., Sauerborn, J., Treydte, A.C. (2012). Sustainable rangeland management: what have we learned about livestock and wildlife herbivory? 4th International Ecosummit Conference, Ohio, USA; 29 September - 06 October, 2012.