This year, the World Food Day Colloquium addressed challenges and opportunities in our agricultural and food systems, with a special focus on crises,...more
CLIFOOD Ethiopian Ambassador meeting 05.10.2020
On October 5, 2020, a meeting between the Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Berlin, H.E. Mrs. Mulu Solomon Bezuneh, the Consul ...more
Water Security and Climate Change Conference 2019 28-30.10.2019
The Food Security Center – FSC (University Hohenheim), the Universidad Autonóma of San Luis Potosí, the Center for Natural Resources and Development ...more
World Food Day Colloquium 16.10.2019
How can local/regional trade in developing countries become strengthened? Can the complexity of trade, climate change, and food security become a sustainable system? ...more
CLIFOOD: Field trip within the Block Seminar 6 11.10.2019
The field trip to the Arba Minch Region was a part of the Program of the Block Seminar 6 of the CLIFOOD SDG Graduate School on “Agro-Ecosystems” ...more
CLIFOOD Block Seminar 6: Official Day 10.10.2019
The highlight of the Block Seminar 6 was the public event on 10 October 2019. The official day was opened by CLIFOOD Scientific Leader Dr. Tesfaye Abebe Amdie ...more
The Block Seminar 6 of the CLIFOOD SDG Graduate School on “Agro-Ecosystems” was conducted from 10th September to 12th October 2019 ...more
CLIFOOD Media Didactic Seminar II “OpenILIAS e-Learning platform” 04.10.2019
The second CLIFOOD Media Didactic Seminar “OpenILIAS e-Learning platform” with a trainer from the University of Hohenheim ...more
CLIFOOD Media Didactic Seminar I: “Perspectives of the digital change for academic teaching” 02.10.2019
Media Didactic Seminar is a part of the qualification program for CLIFOOD Scholars. Sequence ...more
Eco-sustainable gardens project of FSC scholar receives PEEVEE award 29.09.2019
FSC scholar Pride Ebile has received a PEEVEE AWARD in Cameroon for the project “Eco-Sustainable Gardens Empowering Mbororo...more
Regional Workshop on ”Sustainable Safe Food Systems in Africa: Moving towards a Sustainable Food Future” 23.09.2019
The Food Security Centre at the University of Nairobi organized a three day ...more
FSC at Tropentag 2019 18.09.2019
Tropentag is an annual interdisciplinary conference on research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, natural resource management and rural development. This year’s conference theme was...more
Network Meeting of the Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools 2019 17-22.09.2019
Network Meeting 2019 of 7 SDG Graduate Schools was organized by the RoHan Catalysis SDG Graduate School in Hanoi ...more
2019 FSC Summer School "Transformative Changes in Agriculture and Food Systems" 9-27.09.2019
This Summer School is jointly organized by the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and...more
FSC welcomes south-south scholar Michel Bawa 02.09.2019
Michael Bawa is the first Excellence South-South Ph.D. scholarship holder from the FSC. Coming from Ghana, he is currently doing his Ph.D. ...more
CLIFOOD Scholar Abera Habte Desta attended DSSAT 2019 Training in Thailand 19.08.2019
CLIFOOD Scholar from Hawassa University Abera Habte Desta participated in the Small Farm Precision ...more
CLIFOOD Scholar Fasil Mequanint at the 15th European Ecological Federation Congress 29.07.2019
CLIFOOD scholar Fasil Mequanint attended the 15th European Ecological Federation (EEF) ...more
Workshop on blended learning concept development for Block Seminar 6 Agroecosystems 27.07.2019
On 27 July 2017 the Workshop on blended learning concept development for Block Seminar 6 Agroecosystems took ...more
FSC Interdisciplinary Seminar with Scholars 19.07.2019
The interdisciplinary seminar for FSC and CLIFOOD scholars took place on 19 and 20 July, 2019 in the city of Konstanz, Germany. Part of the seminar was...more
Coordination visit of Dr. Sintayehi Yiegrem Mersha in Hohenheim 24.06.2019
In the period from 24 June until 15 July 2019 the CLIFOOD coordinator in Hawassa University Dr. Sintayehu Yigrem Mersha visited ...more
CLIFOOD PhD Scholar participated in the International CEPLAS Summer School 2019 2019 27-31.05.2019
Transatlantic Summer School - Frontiers in Plant Sciences took place at Maria in der Aue, Wermelskirchen...more
On 2 May 2019 the University of Hohenheim hosted a delegation from Walailak University. 64 delegation participants including the university president...more
FSC on Entwicklungspolitische Landeskonferenz 2019 27.04.2019
Since 2012, the state government of Baden-Württemberg has been organising a citizens' participation process...more
FSC on Entwicklungspolitischer Hochschultag 2019 26.04.2019
Entwicklungspolitischer Hochschultag is an event organized by the Engagement Global to intensify discussion among Higher...more
CLIFOOD interim evaluation at Hawassa University 23-26.04.2019
From April 23 to 26 2019 the second round of the of the on-site inspection of the German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School “Climate Change Effects on Food...more
Study on food and nutrition situation in Isiolo County, Kenya 10.04.2019
A research group from the University of Nairobi finalized a study of food and nutrition situation in Isiolo County, Kenya...more
FSC welcomes Visiting Professor Sergio Yoshimitsu Motoike, PhD 08.04.2019
The FSC and the Hans-Rutherberg-Institut welcome Prof. Dr. Sergio Yoshimitsu Motoike at the University of Hohenheim. Prof....more
Home Gardens: Coping Strategy in Humanitarian Emergencies 2.-3.04.2019
FSC scholar Pride Ebile was invited as an expert to the workshop on ”Home Gardens as a Coping Strategy in Crises and Humanitarian...more
Minister Theresia Bauer emphasizes FSC and CLIFOOD 26.03.2019
Expert Talk with Minister Theresia Bauer on “Research for Food and Nutrition” took place at the Dr. Rainer Wild Stiftung in Heidelberg...more
CLIFOOD Scholars at the 3rd Elsevier-Conference: Agriculture and Climate Change 24-26.03.2019
CLIFOOD representatives presented their posters at the 3rd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference...more
CLIFOOD data sharing meeting 06.03.2019
Data collection and sharing is often a crucial issue for success and quality of doctoral dissertations. Cooperation networks become an important source of support to...more
CLIFOOD Block Seminar 5: Official Day 04.03.2019
The highlight of the Block Seminar 5 was the public event on ‘Improving food and nutrition security’ on 4 March 2019. The official day was opened by CLIFOOD...more
CLIFOOD: Field trip within the Block Seminar 5 03.03.2019
As always, a field trip was a part of the Block Seminar (link) Program. This time the participants were offered to visit local food producers in Baden-Wuerttemberg...more
Hidden hunger and the transformation of food systems: How to combat the double burden of malnutrition? 01.03.2019
SPECIAL FSC SESSION “Burundi” on the Hidden Hunger Congress...more
FSC Networking Meeting 28.02.2019
Network Meeting organized by the FSC in the framework of CLIFOOD Block Seminar and Congress Hidden Hunger brought together and catalyzed cooperation among scientists from the...more
CLIFOOD meets Burundi 28.02.2019
Meeting of delegation from the University of Burundi with CLIFOOD representatives became a successful example for spin-off cooperation activities. The meeting was one of the series of...more
CLIFOOD coordination meeting 27.02.2019
CLIFOOD coordination meeting took place at the University of Hohenheim on 27 February. CLIFOOD coordinators Dr. Susanne Dreschl-Bogale...more
CLIFOOD Block Seminar 5: Nutrition and Food Security in the Context of Climate Change 26.02-05.03.2019
External experts from Deutsche Welthungerhilfe, College of Health Sciences / Nutrition Unit / School of...more
CLIFOOD Meeting of the Subproject-leaders 25.02.2019
CLIFOOD Meeting of the Subproject-leaders from Hawassa University (Dr. Tesfaye Abebe Amdie, Prof. Aberra Melesse Ayenew, Prof. Adugna Tolera Yadeta...more
FSC meets the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa 25.02.2019
On 25 January 2019 the Food Security Center hosted a delegation of scientists from the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South...more
FSC short course in Costa Rica 04-08.02.2019
The Food Security Center and its regional partner in Latin America, the University of Costa Rica (UCR), organized the short course "The role of plant germplasm...more
BWagrar-Interview with FSC director 29.01.2019
On January 29, Prof. Dr. Reiner Doluschitz, Director of the FSC spoke in an interview with BWagrar about strategies for the reduction of hunger and poverty...more
CLIFOOD interim evaluation 23.01.2019
On January 23, 2019 the interim on-site inspection of the German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School “Climate Change Effects on Food Security (CLIFOOD)” was conducted by external...more
FSC at the new year’s reception by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 22.01.2019
The new year’s reception by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation...more
Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) 15.01.2019
The FSC was invited to join the reception organized by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development...more
SEARCA short course for Timorese lecturers and researchers 14-18.01.2019
SEARCA conducted a short course on cropping system models and its implications for climate impact modelling for 27 junior lecturers and...more
ZEF press release on the Network Meeting of the Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools 14.01.2019
ZEF researchers of the “Doctoral Studies Support Program on Environmental Peace-building and...more
NutritionSec: Promotion of the Songhai approach in Sierra Leone 12-20.01.2019
FSC supports Njala Vision 2025 by organizing a multi-stakeholder meeting and visit to the Songhai Regional Centre. The Vice-...more
FSC Advisory Board Meeting 08.01.2019
On January 08, 2019 the Food Security Center Advisory Board Meeting with the external Advisory Board of the Food Security Center took place...more
New publication: The Potential of Plantain Residues for the Ghanaian Bioeconomy—Assessing the Current Fiber Value Web 18.12.2018
This research paper has been published on December 18, 2018 in the journal Sustainability Vol 10(12) and it is the outcome of the...more
Short Course Training on the Role of Technology, Policy Advocacy and Extension in addressing Food security 12-14.12.2018
The Food Security Centre (FSC) at the University of Nairobi organized a short course training on “Role of Technology, Policy Advocacy...more
Water Security and Climate Change Conference 03-05.12.2018
The WSCC 2018 at Kenyatta University took up the “bridge-building” aspect of WCSS 2017 and provided continuity in serving as a platform for discussions towards water secure societies. International researchers, professionals, practitioners, politicians...more
GlobE Pan-African Conference 2-6.12.2018
From December 02-06-2018, the GlobE: Pan-African Conference took place at Naivasha, Kenya. Approaching the end of the program, all six GlobE-projects came together and shared their findings with donors, policy makers and fellow researchers...more
CLIFOOD: Field trip within the Block Seminar 4 01.12.2018
As a part of the Block Seminar 4 and Network Meeting of the Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools a field trip was organized to introduce the participants into farming systems and agricultural research in Ethiopia. During the field trip participants...more
CLIFOOD Block Seminar 4: Official Day 30.11.2018
Delegate of the of Hawasa University, Vice-Presedent for Academic Affairs Dr. Fisiha Getachew and Communication Directorate Director Armaye Assefa opened the official day of the Block Seminar 4 “Sustainable Intensification of African Livestock...more
Network Meeting of the Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools: “Making SDGs reality?” 28.11-02.12.2018
On November 28 – December 2, 2018 the German-Ethiopian SDG graduate school “Climate Change Effects on Food Security” (CLIFOOD) organized and hosted the first...more
CLIFOOD Financial Training 27-28.11.2018
Parallel to the CLIFOOD Block Seminar entitled “Sustainable Intensification of African Livestock Systems in a Changing World” and the Network Meeting of the Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools: “Making SDGs reality?” the Financial Training within CLIFOOD project...more
CLIFOOD Block Seminar 4: Sustainable Intensification of African Livestock Systems in a Changing World 26-30.11.2018
The CLIFOOD Block Seminar entitled “Sustainable Intensification of African Livestock Systems in a Changing World” started at Hawassa University...more
Students from Sierra Leone visit the University of Hohenheim 17.11-16.12.2018
Three students (1 PhD and 2 Master) from Sierra Leone arrived in Stuttgart on the 17th and 24th of November. The purpose of their visit is for the PhD student to meet her supervisors in Hohenheim to plan the field...more
International Expert Workshop on ‘Selective Internationality? Baseline Study and Counteractive Measures’ 16.11.2018
The Zukunftskolleg – an Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) and a keystone in the University of Konstanz's institutional strategy to promote top-level...more
2018 FSC Summer School in Costa Rica 12-30.11.2018
This Summer School was jointly organized by the University of Costa Rica and the Food Security Center of the University of Hohenheim (Germany), and funded through the DAAD with financial support from the German Federal...more
FSC at the presentation of the new Africa-Strategy 12.11.2018
The FSC was invited to join the presentation of a new Africa-Strategy by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Dr. Nicole Schönleber represented the FSC and the German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School...more
The FSC was invited to participate in the “Development policy stakeholder meeting” organized by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Foundation on November 08, 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany...more
SDG Winter School Innovations through Brain-Gain: the SDGs and the Next Generation 31/10-02/11.2018
On October 31 – November 02, 2018, the FSC CEO Dr. Jenny Kopsch-Xhema, CLIFOOD coordinator Tetyana Tonkoshkur and scholars Haimanot Hailegiorgis Ayele and Mekides...more
FSC Brochure released Food Security Center. Success Stories of an Excellence Center 31.10.2018
Looking back on almost ten years of successful performance, the FSC presents its major achievements within the brochure “Food Security Center. Success Stories...more
Youth and Innovation Summit: Sustainable Solutions towards ZERO Hunger in Africa 25-26.10.2018
The Regional workshop for Food Security Center, University of Nairobi on “Youth and Innovation Summit: Sustainable Solutions towards ZERO Hunger in Africa” was held on 25th-26th...more
Congress FOOD 2030: Towards sustainable agri-food systems 17-19.10.2018
The Congress FOOD 2030: Towards sustainable agri-food systems aim is to raise awareness and openly discuss the European policy process of FOOD 2030 at the international level. It was...more
Change of the FSC regional coordinator Asia 16.10.2018
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wiboon Chongrattanameteekul has being the FSC regional coordinator for Asia since 2009. During this period, he successfully coordinated all FSC activities implemented in Asia. The FSC team and partners could express...more
World Food Day Colloquium 16.10.2018
The World Food Day Colloquium is an annual event organized by the Food Security Center (FSC), an Excellence Center for Exchange and Development at the University of Hohenheim. This year the World Food Day Colloquium had a focus on cooperatives and their...more
Annual planning meeting 15.10.2018
On October 15, 2018 the Annual Planning Meeting with the Strategic Partners of the Food Security Center took place at the University of Hohenheim, Germany. The focal issues were the FSC activities accomplished and planned. Report on exceed evaluation was...more
FSC at the Network Meeting on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Centres of African Excellence Programme 10-13.10.2018
On October 8-12, 2018 a short course entitled “Application of Advanced Food Analysis for Enhancing Food Security” was conducted at the Facul...more
Short Course Application of Advanced Food Analysis for Enhancing Food Security 08-12.10.2018
On October 8-12, 2018 a short course entitled “Application of Advanced Food Analysis for Enhancing Food Security” was conducted at the Faculty of Agro-industry in Kasetsart University, Thailand. 27 participants, among...more
FSC in Südzeit “The Global Nutrition in view” - press release in Südzeit Newspaper 31.09.2018
An article about the Food Security Center published in “Südzeit” issue no. 78. CLIFOOD scholar and Ph.D. student in Hohenheim Markos Budusa Ware from Ethiopia gave an interview...more
Tropentag 2018 17-19.09.2018
Tropentag is an annual interdisciplinary conference on research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, natural resource management and rural development. This year’s conference focused on the theme “Global food security and food safety: The role of universities”. Tropentag...more
Rethinking Development Cooperation Conference 18.09.2018
The Rethinking Development Cooperation Conference took place in Bonn, Germany on September 18-19, 2018. The organizers of the conference – the five exceed centers and German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik...more
Njala Vision 2025 – Kick off Meeting 17.09.2018
On Monday, September 17th we met with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) representatives in Sierra Leone, with the Minister of Agriculture and with the European Commission in Freetown. Brief presentations of the involved...more
CLIFOOD presented at the International Nutrition and Food Industries Conference in Hawassa 15-18.08.2018
International Nutrition and Food Industries Conference “Partnership for Effective Food and Nutrition Training and Sustainable Development” was held in Hawassa, Ethiopia on 15-18 August 2018. The three days’ conference...more
Acrocomia Workshops 17.07.2018
The Workshop Acrocomia was organized by the Hohenheim Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems in the framework of Acrocomia-Platform initiative. Workshop objective was to get the overview of current...more
International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research Conference: "Disruptive innovations, value chain and rural development" 12.06.2018
From Jun 12-15, 2018, the 22. ICABR Conference took place at The World Bank in...more
The Food Security Center Advisory Board Meeting on April 17.04.2018
The FSC Advisory Board Meeting with the external Advisory Board of the Food Security Center took place on April 17, 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany...more
Entwicklungspolitischer Hochschultag 2018: Higher education institutions and their contribution towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 06.04.2018
The 'Entwicklungspolitischer Hochschultag 2018'...more
CLIFOOD: Field trip within the Block Seminar 3 24-25.03.2018
Besides the lectures and workshops, a field trip was part of the program. On March 24-25, 2018 the participants visited the Katharinentaler Hof, where they learned about LI-COR Eddy Covariance...more
CLIFOOD: CLIFOOD Block Seminar 3: Official Day 22.03.2018
A public event on the topic „Climate and Modeling“ opened the CLIFOOD Block Seminar 3 on March 22, 2018 at the University of Hohenheim. Prof. Dr. Reiner Doluschitz, FSC Director...more
CLIFOOD Block Seminar 3: Climate and Modeling 22-28.03.2018
As part of the qualification program for the SDG Graduate School CLIFOOD, six Block Seminars are planned per generation of PhD Scholars between the Hawassa University (HU) in...more
CLIFOOD Soft Skills Seminar 4: Presenting scientific research ideas and results 20.03.2018
The soft skills seminar presenting scientific research ideas and results was held at the University of Hohenheim on March 20, 2018...more
CLIFOOD Soft Skills Seminar 3: Scientific poster presentation training 19.03.2018
The soft skills seminar scientific poster presentation Training was held at the University of Hohenheim on March 19, 2018. CLIFOOD scholars from...more
Annual Planning Meeting in Bangkok 27.02-03.03.2018
From February 27 to March 03, 2018 the Annual Planning Meeting of the FSC´s Strategic Partners took place at the Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand. Project coordinators and other...more
CLIFOOD Soft Skills Seminar 2: Intercultural training 26-28.01.2018
The soft skills seminar Intercultural Training organized in the cooperation with IKUD® Seminare took place in Ulm, at the Museum of Bread Culture...more
CLIFOOD: Bilateral meetings of subproject leaders 22-28.01.2018
From January 22, to January 28 in the framework of the CLIFOOD project the Food Security Center welcomed subproject leaders and CLIFOOD scholars...more
CLIFOOD Soft Skills Seminar 1: Methods of scientific working 22-25.01.2018
The first soft skills seminar methods of scientific working was conducted at the University of Hohenheim from January 22 to January 25, 2018. CLIFOOD...more
FSC in Dialog 22.01.2018
On January 22, 2018 Prof. Aberra Melesse from Hawassa University presented "Screening of Livestock feed resources owning low enteric methane emissions for sustainable food security in Sub-Sahara Africa" ...more
GFFA / Green Week in Berlin 19.01.2018
On January 19, 2018 the Food Security Center was presented at the Cooperation Market of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) during the International Green Week. They had a...more
FSC in Cape Town 3-6.12.2017
Members of SDG Graduate School CLIFOOD represented the FSC at the 3rd Global Food Security Conference in Cape Town. The Food Security Center affiliates participated in both oral and poster presentation sessions...more
CLIFOOD Block Seminar 2: Food and feed crops 25-29.11.2017
The second Block Seminar of the CLIFOOD SDG Graduate School took place directly after the first one also at the Hawassa University from November 25th to 29th, 2017. CLIFOOD scholars from...more
CLIFOOD: Field trip within the Block Seminars at Hawassa University 25.11.2017
As part of the qualification program for the SDG Graduate School CLIFOOD, six Block Seminars are planned per generation of PhD Scholars between the Hawassa...more
CLIFOOD: Public event within the Block Seminars at Hawassa University 24.11.2017
The highlight of the seminars was the public event on November 24, 2017 with invited experts and key-note speakers from national Ethiopian and...more
CLIFOOD Block Seminar 1: Introduction to state of the art in research on climate change and food security with respect to SDGs 20-25.11.2017
The first Block Seminar of the CLIFOOD SDG Graduate School took place at the Hawassa University...more
CLIFOOD in Media: German Academic Exchange Service reports 17.11.2017
Press release of DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst /German Academic Exchange Service about Bilateral SDG Graduate School CLIFOOD...more
FSC Summer School 2017 6-25.11.2017
'Food and Nutrition Security for the next 25 – 50 years' was the course held from October 6 to 25 at the University of Abomey-Calavi (Republic of Benin) hosting 20 PhD students from Africa, Asia and Latin America. All...more
Exceed workshop on rural development in Mexico 6-10.11.2017
The Exceed Workshop on rural development: occupational health, safety, and food security was held on November 6-10, 2017 at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY), in Merida, Mexico...more
Justus von Liebig Award 19.10.2017
The Foundation fiat panis awarded for the fifth time the Justus von Liebig Award for World Nutrition for outstanding performance in the fight against hunger and rural poverty. Prof. Biesalski, the former president of...more
World Food Day Colloquium 19.10.2017
The World Food Day Colloquium offered the platform to learn more about the digitalization with regard to global food security. The potential to innovate food security problems in developing countries...more
CLIFOOD in Media: reports 13.10.2017
Press release of about Bilateral German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School ‘Climate change effects on food security’ CLIFOOD...more
SDG schools meeting 05.10.2017
From October 4 to 6 the FSC Team together with partners form Hawassa University attended the Network Meeting of the Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools in Bonn, organized by DAAD with its CLIFOOD-Project...more
FSC at Tropentag 2017 20-22.10.2017
FSC project manager Dr. Heinrich Hagel and four partners from the NutritionSec project, Sierra Leone, attended the Tropentag 2017 conference in Bonn, Germany. Among them were Dr. Abdul Rahman Sesay...more
WSCC 2017 18-21.09.2017
The CNRD, SWINDON and FSC organized the Water Security and Climate Change (WSCC) 2017 in Cologne. The conference aimed to build a bridge between disciplines, sectors and different groups of stakeholders...more
CLIFOOD kickoff, Hawassa 16.05.2017
From May 14 to May 18, 2017 the Delegation of the Food Security Center, University of Hohenheim visited its Ethiopian partner Hawassa University. The main purpose of the visit wasthe coordination meeting for CLIFOOD...more
CLIFOOD in Media: Semonegna Ethiopia reports 29.04.2017
Check out press release of Semonegna Ethiopia about Bilateral German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School ‘Climate change effects on food security' CLIFOOD...more
FSC at G20 Conference 27-28.04.2017
FSC participated in the G20 conference "ONE WORLD – No Hunger. Future of the rural world" organized by the The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on 27 and 28 April 2017 in Berlin...more
3rd Congress Hidden Hunger 20-22.03.2017
The congress was organized by the Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, FSC and the Society of the Nutrition...more
The Alumni Seminar 12-22.03.2017
On behalf of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), FSC hosted the International Food Security Network Seminar, from 12th to 22nd of March, 2017 at the University of Hohenheim. The event was...more
Official opening of CLIFOOD 08.03.2017
The official kick-off of the German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School “Climate Change Effects on Food Security (CLIFOOD)" took place on 8 March 2017 at the University of Hohenheim...more
CLIFOOD in Media: bioö reports 06.03.2017
Check out press release of bioö about Bilateral German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School ‘Climate change effects on food security’ CLIFOOD...more
CLIFOOD in Media: Informationsdienst Wissenschaft e. V. reports 03.02.2017
Press release of Informationsdienst Wissenschaft e. V. about Bilateral German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School CLIFOOD...more
FSC in Dialog: “Food Security in Sub- Saharan Africa: The role plantain/ banana” 15.12.2018
FSC in Dialog with Beloved Mensah Dzomeku from CSIR-Crops Research Institute, project partner of the Department of Crop Physiology of Specialty Crops, Institute of Crop...more
Cop22 side events 13.11.2016
In the framework of the 2016 United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Morocco, on 7-18 November 2016, the Food Security Center participated in the Cop22 side events for knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking and exploring actionable options for meeting the...more
Workshop on the Joint Master’s Degree Program on Food Security and Climate Change (MsFSCC) 07.11.2016
FSC supported the workshop on the Joint Master’s Degree Program on Food Security and Climate Change (MsFSCC) to identify the professional profiles of future graduates of this specialized...more
The five Exceed Centers combined forces to take a closer look at the environmental and socioeconomic dimensions of forced migration together with scientists, politicians and the public during the 1st Exceed Conference...more
World Food Day Colloquium 2016: No sun no food 18.10.2016
FSC gathered international scientists and experts at the University of Hohenheim to present their perspectives and possible solutions for sustainable and future-oriented strategies to adapt and prevent future climate challenges ...more
Lecture: “Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Cross Compliance (CC) and Rural Development Policy (RDP) of the European Union” [Collaboration] 20.09.2016
Prof. Dr. Reiner Doluschitz, contributed with a special lecture at a Policy Round Table at the Faculty of...more
FSC-UC Summer School 2016 “Climate Change: Impacts on Food Security” [Collaboration] 25.07-11.08.2016
From July 25 to August 11, a group of 29 students from 16 developing countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America joined the FSC-UC Summer School on the topic of “Climate Change: Impacts on ...more
FSC in Dialog: Livelihood Centered Livestock Genetic Resource Development 21.07.2016
Prof. A. K. Fazlul Haque Bhuiyan from Bangladesh Agricultural University and the FSC Visiting Professor hosted the FSC in Dialog event to debate genetic resource development at low...more
Dies Academicus at Hohenheim University 01-02.07.2016
The Food Security Center (FSC) participated at the Open University event from 1-2 July, 2016. At the FSC stand, staff and scholars presented the ideas behind the term “Food Security” as well as actual and completed research...more
12. BioSC Lecture: "Food security in the context of bioeconomy" 01.06.2016
On June 1, 2016, the twelfth BioSC Lecture took place at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The speaker was Dr. Nicole Schönleber from the Food Security Center of the University of...more
Annual Planning Meeting in Costa Rica 15-17.02.2016
On February 15-17, 2016 the Annual Planning Meeting with the Strategic Partners of the Food Security Center (FSC) took place at Costa Rica University (Universidad de Costa Rica) in San José, Costa Rica...more
Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2016 14-16.01.2016
On January 14-16, 2016, the Food Security Center attended the "Global Forum for Food and Agriculture" held in Berlin under the title "How to feed out cities? - Agriculture and rural areas in an era of urbanisation" ...more
FSC in Dialog: Role of policy and nutrition education in mitigation of undernutrition in Ethiopia 10.12.2015
Ethiopia has a population of about 94 million and is the second-most populous country in Sub-Saharan Africa. The poor nutritional status of children and women are...more
Exceed Exchange and Networking Meeting 30.11 to 01.12.2015
After two days of constructive exchange, agreement was reached: causes of migration and megacities should be at the heart of the collaboration of the exceed centers, also in the five years ahead. The meeting...more
World Food Day Colloquium 2015: Grasslands – secret resource for a hungry world? 16.10.2015
As every year, the FSC invited for the colloquium on the occassion of World Food Day. This year 159 guests participated in presentations and debates about...more
FSC in Dialog: Attaining and sustaining food security through farmer-led research 30.07.2015
Do farmer-led processes of research and development help small-scale farmers attain and sustain food security? The Prolinnova (Promoting Local Innovation) initiative...more
ZEF workshop "Working and Living in an intercultural context" 26.07.2015
The workshop "Working and Living in an intercultural context" had a focus in two main areas: (1) Working together in multicultural teams and (2) living and researching in a foreign country...more
Dies Academicus at Hohenheim University 04.07.2015
By 2050, the world's population will increase by about 2.5 billion over 9 billion people are rising. How can growth be achieved? Sustainable, without the earth being destroyed and Hunger prevails?...more
GIZ/FSC MOSA Workshop 03-07.08.2015
With the Modules on Sustainable Agriculture (MOSA) GIZ developed a tool for extension workers, worldwide. FSC and GIZ invited students at the University of Hohenheim to get trained in MOSA...more
FSC in Dialog: The double-edged sword – Bhutan’s strict environmental conservation policy VS food security of rural farmers 28.05.2015
On May 28th, 2015, Chencho Dukpa Chief Research Officer Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Bhutan presented: "the double-edged...more
Ethics, Research Ethics and Ethics Methods - ZEF-FSC PhD Workshop 7-8.04.2015
The seminar for Doctoral Fellows of FSC and ZEF "Ethics, Research Ethics and Ethics Methods" was held in April 7- 8, 2015 by Prof. Thomas Potthast at ZEF in Bonn, Germany...more
2nd International Congress Hidden Hunger 2015 03.03.2015
The 2nd International congress "Hidden Hunger, Childhood Development and Long-term Prospects for Society and Economy" was held in March 3-6, 2015, at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany...more
FSC Summer School 2015: Food Security and the Post 2015-Agenda 02.03.2015
The Food Security Center (FSC) and the Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition invited under-graduate and graduate students to attend the two-week FSC Summer...more
FSC in Dialog: Dietary patterns and Non Communicable Diseases 08.01.2015
FSC in Dialog series 2015 was started on January 8th by Farah Naja who presented and discussed the topic "Dietary patterns and Non Communicable Diseases...more
World Food Day Colloquim 2014 16.10.2014
On October 16th, 2014 approximately 140 scientists, students, consultants, and experts gathered for the World Food Day Colloquium 2014 at the University of Hohenheim. They reflected on the role of family farming... more
World Food Day for film 15.10.2014
OnOctober 15th, 2014, a day before World Food Day, the FSC, the University of Hohenheim and scientists collaborated with the WFD colloquium tofilm a Nano program with a focus on “Family Farming”. The program discussed... more
Visit of delegation from Suranaree University [Collaboration] 13.10.2014
OnOctober 13th, 2014 the Rector of Suranaree University of Technology, Prof. Prasart Suebka, honoured the FSC by visiting the Center with a delegation of 12 Thai representatives. The...more
FSC in Dialog: Food Souvereignty Strategy 07.10.2014
"Food Sovereignty Strategy Developed By and For Small Scale Farmers in the Philippines". In 1985, a group of farmers, scientists and NGOs in the Philippines initiated a program to recover the diverse rice... more
Start of the 2014 PhD Programm [PhD Program] 14.10.2014
The FSC would like to welcome five new candidates to the PhD Programm that started on October 14th 2014. This year there are no FSC scholars because application for extension of FSC is currently underway... more
FSC in Dialog: Tackling food security in the Middle East 22.07.2014
Dr. Nahla C. Houalla, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the American University of Beirut, presented the current state of food security in the MENA region at the “FSC in dialog” on June 22nd, 2014... more
FSC in Dialog; Organic Agriculture can(not) feed the world in 2050 15.07.2014
On July 15th, 2014 Stephan Krall, Head of ‘Agricultural Production and Resource Use’ at GIZ, Eschborn, Germany, challenged many students with the provocative title “Organic Agriculture can(not) feed... more
FSC in Dialog: Property, power and (dis)possesion on a Himalayan pasture 09.07.2014
The climate and geography of the western Himalayas provides an ecological niche ideally suited to the practice of transhumance pastoralism. Central to the functioning of this activity are complex sets of access arrangements... more
Dies Academicus and Open University 04.07.2014
The first weekend in July at the University of Hohenheim traditionally celebrates a two day summer festival. From lunchtime until midnight at the Dies Academicus, on FridayJuly 4th, the courtyard of the castle changed to a small... more
Summer festival of cultures [PhD Program] 19.07.2014
The summer festival of cultures (Sommer Festival der Kulturen) is a well-established event in Stuttgart. The 6-day event took place on the Marktplatz in the city from July 15th to July 20th. On Saturday, July 19th a group of FSC ... more
FSC in Dialog: What future for our food system? 03.06.2014
Dr. Isabella Rae of Gorta ‘The Freedom from Hunger Council’ of Ireland presented and discussed the topic: “What Future for Our Food System? Food Security and Nutrition in the post-2015 Development Agenda" at the "FSC in dialog"... more
Leadership development training [PhD Program] 15. to 20.06.2014
On June 15th – 20th, 2014 a group of PhD students from ZEF and FSC met in the forest youth hostel near Bonn for training in leadership development. Many of them will become team leaders one day; therefore it is... more
Annual Planning Meeting 17.05.2014
The next five-year phase of the FSC is starting in 2015. In order to prepare the proposal, the Annual Planning Meeting in 2014 took place earlier than usual, in May. An official welcome speech was given by the new director, Konrad Biesalski. He welcomed all... more
FSC in Dialog: Conserving and Using Crop Diversity 08.04.2014
Dr. Paula Bramel, Deputy Executive Director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust in Bonn, presented the current state of food security in terms of crop diversity at the “FSC in dialog” lecture series in Hohenheim on April 8th, 2014... more
Besenwirtschaft [PhD Program] 04.04.2014
The Besenwirtschafthas a long tradition in the Swabian region. It started around the year 800 with a decree from Karl the Great that allowed winegrowers to serve their wine in their own private households. The tradition has continued to... more
Workshop on ethics [PhD Program] 07. to 11.04.2014
From April 7th to April 11th, 2014, 24 students from 13 countries attended a workshop on the Ethics of Food & Nutrition and the Ethics of Science in Mainz. The workshop, co-organized by the Food Security Centre (FSC) at... more
Presentation workshop [PhD Program] 04. to 05.04.2014
During the PhD program and afterwards in their professional lives, students give numerous presentations. The importance of a good presentation can hardly be overestimated, it is a tool to transmit ideas, inform stakeholders about ...more
XVIII Latin American Seminar and V National Congress on Food Science and Technology [Collaboration] 31.03.-02.04.2014
The XVIII Latin American Seminar and V National Congress on Food Science and Technology took place from March 31st to ...more
Visit to GIZ headquarters [PhD Program] 11.03.2014
A group of 15 FSC scholars and HiWi’s went to visit the GIZ headquarters in Eschborn near Frankfurt on March 11th, 2014. After a short introduction to the work and structure of the GIZ, the students were informed how projects... more
Workshop "Working Within Political Contexts" [PhD Program] 03. to 08.03.2014
This year’s workshop on “Working Within Political Contexts: Strategies and Methods for Implementation-oriented Research” took place from March 3rd – 8th, 2014 at the Pumpe Hostel ...more
Visit to the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas 04-07.02.2014
From February 4th-7th, 2014, Manfred Zeller, Director of the Food Security Center (FSC) at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, visited the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas...more
FSC in Dialog: Towards a food secure Arab world 13.01.2014
On January 13th, 2014, Farah Naja from the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences at the University of Beirut, Lebanon presented and discussed the topic: “Towards a food secure Arab world, assessment as a start ...more
Global Forum for Food and Agriculture [PhD Program] 15.01.2014
A group of 19 FSC scholars went to the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) in Berlin on January 15th, 2014. This year’s titel was “Empowering Agriculture: Fostering Resilience ...more
FSC and partner workshop [Collaboration] 19.12.2013
One year after the evaluation of the FSC by DAAD’s evaluator team, a workshop was arranged to communicate results and recommendations. On December 19th, 2013, the FSC regional partners from Thailand...more
FSC in Dialog: Sustainable Food Futures 17.12.2013
On December 17th, 2013, Kate Millar from the Centre for Applied Bioethics at the University of Nottingham in the UK presented and discussed the topic: “Sustainable Food Futures: the Role of transgenic...more
FSC Christmas Party [PhD Program] 13.12.2013
On December 13th, 2013 scholars and staff got together to reflect the past year and to share personal and professional reviews as well as criticisms and suggestions for improvement. The meeting is tradition...more
Workshop on intercultural competence [PhD Program] 07.12.2013
“Intercultural Competence” is essential for work within international teams as well as to cope with life in foreign cultures. Therefore, the new batch of FSC scholars was sent to a workshop...more
On December 3rd, 2013, a large group of FSC scholars and staff went to Esslingen to visit theChristmas market. The christmas market has a medieval style and as seen hundreds of years ago, marketers in medieval...more
FSC in Dialog: Is it feasible to mitigate methane gas emissions...? 12.11.2013
On November 12th, 2013, Aberra Melesse from the Institute of Animal Nutrition at the University of Hohenheim presented and discussed the topic: “Is it feasible to mitigate methane gas emissions...more
Summer School "Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development for Food Security" [Collaboration] 01-30.11.2013
The Summer School on “Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development for Food Security” took place from November 1st to 30th...more
FSC in Dialog: Animals and Inequalities 29.10.2013
On October 29th, 2013 Robert Christley from the Institute of Infection and Global Health at the University of Liverpool presented and discussed the topic: “Animals and Inequalities: Placing animal health in...more
FSC in Dialog: Reducing food losses improve food security 22.10.2013
On October 22nd 2013 Heike Ostermann, from the „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit“ (GIZ) in Bonn, presented and discussed the topic...more
Kick-off workshop YES scholars [PhD Program] 18. to 21.10.2013
A kick-off workshop from October 18th to 21st, 2013 for theincoming YES scholars joined with FSC awardees and members of the PhD Program at a retreat weekend in Constance. The new...more
World Food Day Colloquium 2013 16.10.2013
TheWorld Food Day Colloquium 2013 on “Water Efficiency for Food Security” was held at the castle of the University of Hohenheim on October 16. Doctoral students from the ZEF and FSC attended the one-day...more
Start of 2013 PhD Program [PhD Program] 14.10.2013
A core module of the PhD Program “Global Food Security” is the “Interdisciplinary Aspects to Food Security”. The start of this module also marked the start of the 2013 PhD Program in October. The PhD...more
Visit to Cannstatter Wassen [PhD Program] 01.10.2013
The first excursions offered to the students of the new batch of FSC scholars was headed to the beer festival at Cannstatter Wassen on October 1. The students enjoyed attractions like market traders and rides on roller...more
1st International Conference on Global Food Security 29.09. to 02.10.2013
From September 29 to October 2 the First International Conference on Global Food Security was held in Noordwijkerhout in the Netherlands. It aimed to deliver state-of-the-art...more
On September 29, a group of FSC scholars visited the chocolate factory “Ritter Sport” in Waldenbuch. It is a family business that was founded in 1912. The famous chocolate square was born in 1932 with the intention...more
FSC in Dialog: Biological Environment and Crop Productivity 26.09.2013
The topic “Managing the biological environment to promote and sustain crop productivity and quality” was presented and discussed on September 26th, by Fenton Beed from the...more
Tropentag 2013 17. to 19.09.2013
The Tropentag is a development-oriented and interdisciplinary conference. It addresses issues of resource management, environment, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food, nutrition and related sciences in the context of...more
FSC in Dialog: Global integrated bio-economic modeling 16.09.2013
The topic "Global integrated bio-economic modeling - A toolkit for the assessment of priorities for international agricultural research" was presented and discussed on September 16th by...more
DAAD Alumni Summer School 08. to 16.09.2013
The Tropenzentrum facilitated this year’s DAAD summer school. The “Tropenzentrum”, in English the “Center for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics”, hosted the course from September 8 to 16. It was targeting...more
Annual Planning Meeting 02. to 04.09.2013
From September 2 to 4FSC staff and partners met in Bangkok for the Annual Planning Meeting 2013. The opening program started with the welcoming addresses by Somsakdi Tabtimthong, Director of the International...more
Welcoming of new scholars [PhD Program] 01.09.2013
In September 2013 the FSC welcomed the new batch of PhD studentsin the DAAD scholarship program. The six awardees started their research work in the three faculties of the University of Hohenheim...more
Regional Workshop on Postharvest Management [Collaboration] 27. to 28.08.2013
A regional workshop on “Postharvest Management of Fresh Produce: Quality, Safety and Packaging” was organized by FSC, HortCRSP, the Horticulture Collaborative Research Support...more
Excursion to Daimler [PhD Program] 13.08.2013
Stuttgart is famous for its automobile industry like Daimler Benz. On August 13, a group of FSC scholars visited the largest production facility of Daimler. It’s located in Sindelfingen 30 km south-west from...more
Regional workshop on “Development of an Umbrella Food Security Program for Southeast Asia” [Collaboration] 25-26.07.2013
SEARCA organized a regional workshop on “Development of an Umbrella Food Security Program for Southeast...more
Short course on “Basic Animal Nutrition and Feed Science: Digestibility and Piglet Nutrition” [Collaboration] 17.-21.07.2013
The short course on “Basic Animal Nutrition and Feed Science: Digestibility and Piglet Nutrition” was organized at Department of Animal...more
Visit to Festival of Cultures [PhD Program] 17.07.2013
FSC organized a visit of the festival of cultureat the market square in Stuttgart on July 17. A punk-rock band of four Russian women and an African pop musician performed. Food from different cultures were provided and...more
Workshop on “Assessing and Evaluating the Diversity of Plant Genetic Resources” [Collaboration] 15-19.07.2013
The workshop on “Assessing and Evaluating the Diversity of Plant Genetic Resources” was organized at the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of...more
Short course on “Measurement of Food Security and Human Welfare” [Collaboration] 09 to 12.07.2013
From July 9th–12th, 2013 a short course on “Measurement of Food Security and Human Welfare” at Santa Clara, Cuba, was hold by Manfred...more
Dies Academicus and Open University 06. to 07.07.2013
To the Dies Academicus and the Open University on July 6 and 7 Food Security Center contributed with an exotic looking coffee bar selling delicious coffee and self-made cakes, a small exhibition and a bandolino...more
Regional workshop “Option in the management of soybeans, corn and wheat to reduce yield variability” [Collaboration] 03-04.07.2013
The regional workshop “Option in the management of soybeans, corn and wheat to reduce yield variability”, on July 3rd and 4th, was...more
DAAD Conference "Change Agents - The Faces of Change" 18.06.2013
The DAAD Conference “Change Agents – The Faces of Change” was held in Heidelberg on June 18, 2013. Investments in the academic education of the youth and thus triggering...more
Seminar "Ethics in Food Security Research and Work" [PhD Program] 04. to 06.06.2013
The seminar “Ethics in Food Security Research and Work”was offered for the first time. It took place from June 4 to 6, 2013 at the lake of Wannsee at the outskirts of...more
Nutrients for All Globalizer Summit 03. to 04.06.2013
The “Nutrients for All Globalizer Summit - Connecting Social Entrepreneurial Innovations Along the Nutrient Value Chain” took place from June 3 to 4 in Frankfurt at the KfW. Around the world, in...more
FSC in Dialog: Agricultural production and carbon trade-offs in Russia 02.06.2013
The topic “Potentials of agricultural production and carbon trade-offs in the Russian Federation” was presented and discussed on June 2nd by Daniel Müller from the Leibniz Institute of...more
FSC in Dialog: Corruption, social unrest and good governance in India 28.05.2013
The topic “Corruption, social unrest and good governance in India” was presented and discussed by Anand Kumar from the Centre for the Study of Social Systems of the Jawaharlal...more
Excursion to Meiereihof [PhD Program] 15.05.2013
TheMeiereihofis located on the campus of the University of Hohenheim. It is one of the experimental stations of the university with the focus on animal husbandry. On Mai 15, the FSC organized a visit of this farm...more
FSC in Dialog: Potential impact of new technologies 14.05.2013
The topic "Estimation of aggregate actual and potential impact of adoption of a new technology using the marginal treatment effect framework" was presented on May 14, 2013, by Aliou Diagne from the Africa Rice Center...more
New FSC Executive Manger Dr. Andrea Jost 01.05.2013
In May 2013, the new executive manager, Dr. Andrea Jost, was welcomed by the FSC team. She is an agronomist and graduated at the University of Gießen. She is also familiar with University of Hohenheim...more
Farewell of FSC Executive Manager Dr. Detlef Virchow 30.04.2013
On April 30, after the official farewell of Detlef Virchow as Executive Managerand thestatus colloquium of the Food Security Center, the FSC staff organized an excursion to Ulm to enjoy once more some...more
FSC in Dialog: Land grabbing in Ethiopia 30.04.2013
The study "Do land transfers to international investors in Ethiopia contribute to local food security?" was presented and discussed by Bamlaku Alamirew Alemu, a postdoctoral scholar of FSC from the...more
Status Colloquium of the FSC 29.04.2013
The farewell of Dr. Detlef Virchow provided an impetus to hold a Status Colloquium of the Food Security Center on April 29, 2013 in the castle of the University of Hohenheim. Within only four years of existence the FSC...more
FSC in Dialog: Beyond the Arab Awakening 18.04.2013
The topic "Beyond the Arab Awakening: The role of food security for development" was presented and discussed by Clemens Breisinger from the Development Strategy and Governance Division of the International...more
Workshop "Working within political contexts" [PhD Program] 12. to 17.03.2013
25 doctoral students from FSC and ZEF, attended a five-day soft-skill workshop: "Working within political contexts: strategies and methods for implementation-oriented research" from March...more
1st Hidden Hunger Conference 03. to 09.03.2013
The first Hidden Hunger Conference was the major event in 2013.The International Conference was organized by the Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition and the Food Security Center (FSC)...more
Excursion to TV tower [PhD Program] 12.02.2013
An excursion to the first TV tower of the world was organized for the FSC scholars in Hohenheim. The TV tower in Stuttgart was opened on October 29, 1955. With its 217 meters and its...more
Global Forum on Food Agriculture [PhD Program] 17-20.01.2013
The Global Forum on Food Agriculture (GFFA)2013 in Berlin was attended by 13 FSC awardees and the visiting professor Victor Jimenez, from January 17-20, 2013...more
"Real life" campus tour 17.01.2013
A group of 25 pupils visited the FSC within the framework of "Real Life" Campustour at the University of Hohenheim on January 17, 2013.The program introduces the University, its faculties and the different research...more
Study completion workshop 09-10.01.2013
A study named “Nutrition-sensitive agriculture: A pillar of improved nutrition and better health”, conducted by Detlef Virchow, executive manager of FSC at that time, was completed in a workshop on January 9 and 10...more