Research Training Group Global Food Security
The research training group “Global Food Security” of the doctoral study program is offered in English and is characterized by:
- A competitive selection of doctoral candidates, using transparent criteria;
- Supervision by experienced scientists from various academic fields providing “multifaceted supervision” in terms of mentorship as well as an interdisciplinary scientific approach;
- Continuous assessment of the doctoral studies by a supervisory team;
- Doctoral courses with the objective of imparting methodological, professional and interdisciplinary competence and key qualifications;
- Graduation after 3 years.
This research training group “Global Food Security” is integrated into the doctoral study program of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. The doctoral committee grants admission to this program based upon the applicants’ qualifications and submitted thesis proposal, including aims, work and time schedules. In order to participate in the program, one must be accepted as a doctoral candidate by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.
The research training group “Global Food Security” aims at increasing the doctoral candidate’s level of scientific skills and knowledge about food security related issues, while emphasizing on interdisciplinary approaches. Besides the course work, the doctoral candidates will work with the research staff of the relevant institutes at the University of Hohenheim to conduct a specific research project contributing to the Food Security Center’s mission and relevant to the doctoral candidates’ research work, taking into account the individual interests and educational needs of each individual doctoral candidate.
Target Group for “Global Food Security”
This research training group targets young scientists from developing and developed countries from all continents, who are:
- Outstandingly qualified university graduates with a MSc degree and specialization in development-oriented agricultural sciences, nutritional, natural, social, economic or political sciences, or related disciplines (preferably with a focus related to food security issues);
- Outstanding study performance: excellent or very good Master’s degree or equivalent with a grade of A (exceptions B);
- Track record of knowledge in the proposed field of study;Interested in an interdisciplinary and international education in food security relevant issues;
- Excellent proficiency in oral and written English (see Language proficiency);
- Ability of completing a doctorate within three years.
The first module, which is compulsory, is “Methods of scientific working (3000-821)” and focuses on:
- Scientific and interdisciplinary competence;
- Awareness of the greater scientific arena;Acquisition of basic tools required for a doctoral degree and scientific career;
- Coping with stress;
- Excellent qualification and preparation for future challenges.
The second module, which is also compulsory, is on “Interdisciplinary aspects of food security (3000-820)” and aims to:
- Introduce the problem of food insecurity;
- Discuss the impact of global challenges on food security;
- Discuss food availability, food access, food use, food quality, food safety, and food utilization;
- Consider the interlinkage of food security and gender equality as well as the sustainability of agricultural production;
- Utilize relevant research methods and tools;
- Examine interdisciplinary case studies on food policy.
The third module can be selected from the regular course catalogue (MSc or PhD-level) of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Hohenheim according to the individual needs and interests of the doctoral candidate within the area of food security issues and will be proposed by the supervisor to the doctoral committee of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (“Promotionsausschuss”). The doctoral committee of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (“Promotionsausschuss”) will decide on the courses that have to be taken by the doctoral candidate.
In addition to the three modules, the doctoral candidates are encouraged to attend interdisciplinary graduate or postgraduate short courses or summer schools related to food security issues as well as short courses and workshops teaching soft skills relevant to the students’ future careers. Additionally, doctoral candidates should attend national and international conferences.
After successful completion of the modules and the doctorate, the doctoral candidates will receive a transcript. The transcript lists modules completed and grades obtained corresponding to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
As a general rule, the supervisory team comprises three university lecturers from multiple fields. The major supervisor, from the University of Hohenheim, is part of this team and s/he will visit the doctoral candidate during his/her field research and data collection.
For admission requirements and procedure please see the University of Hohenheim Study Program and Examination Regulations for the doctoral study program (the graduate class) “Agricultural Sciences” of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
The requirement for acceptance in the doctoral study program is acceptance as a doctoral candidate by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Hohenheim according to the provisions in the doctoral degree regulations for Dr. sc.agr. in the respectively valid version. For doctoral applicants to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences the following general requirements have to be fulfilled:
- Above average
Admission to the doctoral program requires the applicant to have completed an above average Master’s degree program at a University or equivalent higher education institution in the Federal Republic of Germany in an agricultural studies program with an average mark of the final examination of “good” (2.5) or better. The doctoral committee may recognize other degrees as equivalent and thereby set further requirements (Subject-area examinations).
- Subject-Area Examinations
The doctoral committee may determine that the applicant must successfully complete three subject-area examinations based on the teaching material from a compulsory module at the Master’s level of a master study course at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.
- Proof of Language Proficiency
The Faculty requires proof of adequate language proficiency a described within the detailed rules of the doctoral degree regulations.