Visiting Professor
The Food Security Center of the University of Hohenheim is offering a position as a Visiting Professor in the Dept. of Agronomy in the Tropics and Subtropics at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute)
Applications from the following fields are welcome:
- Agronomy
- Biology
- Crop science
The deadline for applications:
The deadline has passed (August 31, 2018)
Short-listed candidates will be informed no later than:
October 31, 2018
Expected start date:
April 1, 2019

The Plant Production Section of the Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute focuses on nutrient cycles, competition, carbon sequestration and environmental impacts of plant-animal productions systems with specific consideration of N2 fixing legume-based approaches. The research approach in the Plant Production Section is based on a theoretical analysis, i.e. modelling (aggregate to landscape) of agroecosystems in the tropics and subtropics, and a simultaneous experimental approach on improving our understanding of plant production and nutrient cycles in agroecosystems (cropping, pasture and agroforestry systems) by using stable isotope (15N, 13C and 18O), molecular and NIR methods.
Job Summary
FSC seeks applications for the position of a visiting professor from a developing country for six months. The visiting professor is expected to work in the field of Agronomy in the Tropics and Subtropics. Scientists with background in natural resources, environmental sciences, plant genetic resources, and minor crops with a potential to improve food security and human diets are equally encouraged to apply.
The Center wishes to attract a scientist who is
- either an internationally well-known senior expert with demonstrated, extensive expertise in agronomy issues related to food security and distinguished networks in the international science community, esp. in the developing world; or
- an internationally outstanding young expert with superior competence in developing innovative research approaches, especially with respect to analytical methods that are relevant for food security research.
Further, an excellent publication record is expected. The successful candidate will work mainly with professors, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students from the department of Agronomy in the Tropics and Subtropics and with FSC’s staff in Hohenheim. S/he will also collaborate with the partners of FSC to meet the Center’s mission. The successful candidate is expected to conduct innovative research in the field of plant breeding and new crops development, related to hunger reduction and food security, publish papers in internationally recognized journals, support FSC’s teaching and training activities at postgraduate level at the University of Hohenheim, engage in FSC’s PhD program on “Global Food Security”, Integrated Agricultural Production Systems (4905-430) and participate in PhD student supervision and fundraising, networking, and outreach activities. The position is based in Stuttgart (Germany) and salaried with a remuneration of group W3 for Baden-Württemberg, when all prerequisites are fulfilled. Travel costs will be covered.
Required qualifications
- PhD degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences with a research topic related to the Tropics and Subtropics
- Demonstrated experience in teaching and research in plant breeding and new crops development related to food security issues
- Excellent publication record (at least three publications in international peer-reviewed journals relevant to the subject field of food security related crop science)
- Proficiency in statistical analysis software such as SAS and others specific to the field of research for various types of analysis in crop sciences
- Excellence in oral and written English language
- Excellent interpersonal skills and team spirit
- Ability to work well in an interdisciplinary, multicultural environment and with individuals from different scientific, societal, and cultural backgrounds and organizations from the public, private, and civil society sector.
Contact persons for inquiring more information:
- Dr. Thomas Hilger, Dept. of Agronomy in the Tropics and Subtropics at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute):
- Dr. Nicole Schönleber, Food Security Center: