FSC Status colloquium
April 29, 2013
The farewell of Dr. Detlef Virchow provided an impetus to hold a Status Colloquium of the Food Security Center on April 29, 2013 in the castle of the University of Hohenheim.
Within only four years of existence the FSC gained international reputation, by attracting PhD-students, Sandwich PhD-Scholars, Post-Docs, and Visiting Professors from all over the world, building up capacities in research centers and universities in several partner regions, by winning attractive research projects, by consultancies and networking.
These achievements are linked tightly to the outgoing executive manager of FSC, Detlef Virchow, and his exceeding engagement. In this respect the colloquium is marking a break; it gives an opportunity for reflection and gratitude but also for an optimistic restart.
After some notes on the DAAD evaluation that took place in autumn 2012, the director of the FSC, Manfred Zeller talked about the future work of the FSC and introduced the new executive manager, Andrea Jost. Hans Konrad Biesalski gave a short conference review of the Hidden Hunger conference that took place some weeks before. To thank Detlef Virchow for this exceptional engagement, the FSC scholars presented some highlights and personal views of the time with the outgoing executive manager. Following this presentation Manfred Zeller and Hans Konrad Biesalski gave a farewell address to Detlef Virchow. In the reception everyone who contributed to the success of the Food Security Center had a chance to personally say good-bye to Deflef Virchow and welcome the new Executive Manager Andrea Jost.