Annual Planning and Selection Committee Meeting 2013
September 2, 2013
From September 2 to 4 FSC staff and partners met in Bangkok for the Annual Planning Meeting 2013. The opening program started with the welcoming addresses by Somsakdi Tabtimthong, Director of the International Affairs Division of Kasetsart University, and Manfred Zeller, Director of the Food Security Center at the University of Hohenheim. Andrea Jost, the new executive manager of the Food Security Center gave an overview of the planning meeting before Wiboon Chongrattanameteekul, the regional coordinator for FSC in Asia presented the participants of the meeting. Two new strategic partners were introduced: Afio Zannou from the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin, who could unfortunately not participate, and Tesfaye Abebe from the Hawassa University in Ethiopia. Besides the discussion of the planned activities for 2014, and the result of the evaluation of FSC by DAAD, the selection committee for the short-term scholarships for 2014 met.