FSC in Dialog: "Conserving and Using Crop Diversity: Essential Actions to ensure Food Security”

Dr. Paula Bramel, Deputy Executive Director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust in Bonn, presented the current state of food security in terms of crop diversity at the “FSC in dialog” lecture series in Hohenheim on April 8th, 2014 under the title "Conserving and Using Crop Diversity: Essential Actions to ensure Food Security”.

The Global Crop Diversity Trust has a focus on ensuring the global ex situ conservation and use of crop diversity. The security from conserving crop genetic resources in ex situ collections is critical to meet the future challenges of climate change and the increasing demand for nutritious, high quality food. Conservation alone will not be enough; we also need to invest in the use of these collections. The Crop Trust operates under the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture framework that recognizes the critical public goods nature of these resources. In this presentation, some specific activities been undertaken by the Crop Trust were discussed, such as the initiative on crop wild relatives and the management of the international collections held by the CGIAR.

The presentation is available here.