October 2015

Science for the Environment 2015
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 

1-2 October, 2015 – Aarhus, Denmark

Together with Partnership for European Environmental Research (PEER), Aarhus University would like to invite researchers and practitioners to the 3rd International Conference Science for the Environment to discuss the future challenges and opportunities for environmental monitoring and assessment. Some of the main questions are: How to best evolve environmental monitoring, in order to make use of new and smart technologies for improved and cost-effective monitoring? How do we assess and document the value of data and knowledge of environmental ecosystems? More

First international congress on postharvest loss prevention:
Developing measurement approaches and intervention strategies for smallholders

4-7 October, 2015 – Rome, Italy

This congress will assess the challenges associated with postharvest loss within the framework of metrics and measurements. The focus is to enable the development of better tools and interventions to prevent postharvest loss for smallholders in developing countries. The event will provide networking opportunities for professionals from academic institutions, governments, non-governmental organizations, foundations, and private entities. More

Water for Food Security - A Global Conference

5-6 October, 2015 – Davis, USA

Hosted by the World Food Center at the University of California, Davis and the International Food Policy Research Institute, the conference will address key issues on the global level down to the individual basin scale. It will analyze the extreme case of California, now in its fourth year of drought, as well as the challenges globally of sustainable management of ground and surface water resources and declining water quality. More

World Congress on Root & Tuber Crops - WCRTC

5-10 October, 2015 – Nanning, Guangxi, China

The First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops – WCRTC – results from the merger of the 3rd Scientific Conference of the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century (GCP21) and the 17th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC). WCRTC is primarily for scientists working on cassava, sweet-potato, yam, potato, taro and other aroids in tropical countries around the world. But it is also a congress for developers, donors and for the private sector, to better use root and tuber crops for their business. More

2nd International Conference on Global Food Security

11-14 October, 2015 - Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

The conference aims to better understand economic, social, biophysical, technological and institutional drivers of current and future global food security. The conference will address food production, processing and distribution, the availability, access, utilization and stability dimensions of food security, and the trade-offs between competing environmental, economic or social objectives and outcomes.More

The 4th African Food and Nutrition Forum 

27 October, 2015 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 

The 4th African Food and Nutrition Forum will be held under the theme:

"Global response for Sustainable food systems in the post-Millennium Development Goal Era : implications to health, nutrition, and food security."

Sessions highlighting innovative research, programmatic challenges, agriculture, food safety, climate change, and gender issues will offer a space for professional, empirically-driven dialogue that encourages experts to interact and contribute to the formulation of the SDGs and gauge their implications. More

Fourth International Symposium ISB-INMA TEH' 2015

30 October - 1 November, 2015 – Bucharest, Romania

The aim of the Symposiums is to present the latest scientific results on all aspects of research, design and development work in the field of mechanics, environmental engineering, renewable energy sources, agricultural engineering and sustainable agriculture. More