February 2015 

International PhD Winter School on Research on Sustainable Development

9-13 February, 2015 - University of Basel, Switzerland

The PhD Winter School provides an interdisciplinary platform to discuss, test and practice questions and methods of interdisciplinary research about sustainable development with outstanding experts. It will be highly interactive. 

The School is open to advanced PhD students from any discipline working within interdisciplinary research projects in the field of sustainability sciences.

The closing date for applications is 30th of November. The number of participants is limited. There will be no attendance fee. 

For further information please consult the attached Call or visit at https://msd.unibas.ch/en/<wbr />home/studies/phdschool.html

International conference on natural resource management for food security and rural livelihoods

10-13 February, 2015 - New Delhi, India

Agricultural progress is essential for inclusive and accelerated growth in India. The Green Revolution has brought unprecedented successes in enhancing agricultural production and alleviating hunger and poverty. At the same time, conserving natural resources and improving economic viability of farming are crucial to achieving livelihood security. Protection and improvement of land, water, biodiversity and climate resources is a pre-requisite for sustainable agricultural production. This International Conference aims to address these issues and the challenges of the 21st century. More

Agriculture and climate change: Adapting crops to increased uncertainty

15-17 February, 2015 - Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Maintaining crop production to feed a growing population during a period of climate change is the greatest challenge facing mankind. This conference will focus on the likely impact of climate change on crop production and explore approaches to maintain and increase crop productivity in the face of climate change. More

5th International Conference on Next Generation Genomics and Integrated Breeding for Crop Improvement

18-20 February, 2015 - ICRISAT, Greater Hyderabad, India 

The conference will provide a platform for scientists and other stakeholders to communicate, share ideas and present their work on different aspects of modern genomics and breeding for crop improvement for global food security. It will be organised into structured technical sessions with eminent guest speakers in the fields of genetics, genomics, breeding and allied sciences. A poster session will also be arranged to encourage participation by younger researchers. More

Basic wheat improvement hands-on training course 

27 February - 29 May, 2015 - CIMMYT headquarters, Mexico

The Basic Wheat Improvement Course (BWIC) is a unique professional development opportunity for early-career scientists in the public, private, or non-governmental sectors. Scientists working in national agricultural research systems, particularly in the fields of wheat breeding, pathology, and physiology will find this course especially useful. The course targets junior scientists (younger than 40 years) associated with national research programmes, as well as graduate students and self-sponsored visitors.More