2003 - Effects of light intensity, light quality and distribution on wheat leaf development and tillering as dependend on vapor pressure deficit


Main discipline:
Plant Physiology, Agronomy

Other relevant disciplines:    
plant breeding, ecophysiology, photosynthesis research

Description of the research topic and research methodology:
Within the UHOH set-up for investigating responses of cereals to modern illumination systems, the candidate will identify the optimal requirements of light intensity, quality, and illumination direction for wheat plants. As growth and development are often influenced by air humidity the effect of different air humidity on leaf growth and source build up by tillering will be investigated as related to the light sources.

The 3 main research questions:
Do light intensity, light quality and direction of illumination affect the appearance rate and life span of wheat leaves?

Can wheat compensate excess light quantities by producing more and productive tillers?.

To what extend are the growth responses controlled or affected by air vapor pressure deficit?

Target region or country (if applicable):         

and / or Lab work:  √
Greenhouse trials, laboratory analyses

and / or Desk work:n/a

Required qualifications of the applicant:

PhD degree in relevant discipline

Methodological competence:
Knowledge on wheat physiology, porometry, hydroponics, photosynthesis measurements

Language competence: