Bilateral meetings of subproject leaders, 22-28.01.2018

From January 22, to January 28 in the framework of the CLIFOOD project the Food Security Center welcomed subproject leaders and CLIFOOD scholars from Hawassa University, Ethiopia.

For CLIFOOD scholars from Hawassa University and University of Hohenheim two soft skills seminars were organized as part of qualification program of the SDG graduate school: Climate Change Effects on Food Security.

The main purpose of the visit for subproject leaders was to discuss further cooperation and joint research with their counterparts from the University of Hohenheim during bilateral meetings.

The themes of the demand-driven research proposals developed under CLIFOOD are covering areas of agricultural, plant, animal, nutrition and meteorological aspects with special reference to the UN 2030 Agenda and its SDGs. The interdisciplinary research will come up with adaptation strategies for agriculture with respect to weed control, livestock production, food and feed crops, soil health, grain quality, farming households, human nutrition as well as seasonal weather forecasts. The objectives of the research proposals are concerned to providing innovative and effective scientific findings to reduce hunger and achieve food security under climate change effects.