FSC on Entwicklungspolitischer Hochschultag 2019
Vier Jahre Agenda 2030 – die Umsetzung der Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) an Hochschulen
April 26 2019, auf der Messe "Fair Handeln", Stuttgart, Germany
Entwicklungspolitischer Hochschultag is an event organized by the Engagement Global to intensify discussion among Higher Educational Institutions in Baden-Württemberg on their development policy and contributions towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. FSC is a partner of the Engagement Global and a co-organizer of the Entwicklungspolitischer Hochschultag 2019. This year the event presented a retrospective of 4 years’ implementation of 2030 agenda and achievements of the Higher Educational Institutions towards SDGs. Best practice pitching, moderated expert discussion and the market of opportunities provided an interactive platform for exchange and networking. Anna Borsuk and Tetyana Tonkoshkur represented the FSC at the event.
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