Congress FOOD 2030: Towards sustainable agri-food systems

5-6 September 2018, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

The Congress FOOD 2030: Towards sustainable agri-food systems aim is to raise awareness and openly discuss the European policy process of FOOD 2030 at the international level. It was co-organised by the FSC together with Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems (GFE), Research Center for Health Sciences (FZG), Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute for Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics and the Coordination Office Bioeconomy Research Program Baden-Württemberg at the University of Hohenheim on September 5-6, 2018.

The international and interdisciplinary congress fostered discussions on innovative pathways for future food systems that are healthy, food secure, resilient and sustainable. It aimed at contributing to solutions to the urgent challenges of the Agenda 2030, i.e. to end hunger, achieve food and nutrition security, and promote sustainable agriculture as formulated in the Sustainable Development Goal #2.

The Congress covered the following main topics:

  • Health and nutrition
  • Resilience, adaptation and sustainable intensification of food production systems
  • Bioeconomy and food production

and networked researchers, policy makers, civil society and the private sector to facilitate exchanges and interactions in light of the upcoming 9th framework program for research of the EU. More information on Congress FOOD2030