SDG Winter School
Innovations through Brain-Gain: the SDGs and the Next Generation
October 31 - November 2, 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany
On October 31 – November 02, 2018, the FSC CEO Dr. Jenny Kopsch-Xhema, CLIFOOD coordinator Tetyana Tonkoshkur and scholars Haimanot Hailegiorgis Ayele and Mekides Woldegiorgis Garditook took part in the SDG Winter School, which has been running from June to November 2018. It was the first SDG-Winter School for Universities and Institutions of higher learning regarding the Role of Students and Graduates in the Implementation of the Agenda 2030 in a North- South and South-South Dialogue.
the SDG Winter School 2018 focused on seven thematic areas (Goals) of the Sustainable Development Goals. These include:
#1. [Goal 2]: Zero Hunger
#2. [Goal 4]: Quality Education
#3. [Goal 5]: Gender Equality
#4. [Goal 9]: Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
#5. [Goal 11]: Sustainable cities and communities
#6. [Goal 12]: Responsible Consumption and Production
#7. [Goal 13]: Climate Action
The SDG Winter School offered:
- BRAIN-GAIN Conference
- BRAIN-GAIN Awards for Innovation- Official launching
- Exhibitions