FSC at Tropentag 2018
17-19 September 2018 at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Tropentag is an annual interdisciplinary conference on research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, natural resource management and rural development. This year’s conference focused on the theme “Global food security and food safety: The role of universities”. Tropentag 2018 was organised by the University of Ghent, Belgium in close cooperation KU Leuven and Antwerp University (both Belgium).
At the Tropentag 2018 the FSC was represented by the FSC project manager Dr. Heinrich Hagel. FSC scientific staff Nils Nölle held a poster presentation on latest results of EntoNUTRI project. FSC scholars Lucy Kariuki, Evans Were, Isaac Balume, Sawitree Chai-Areekitwat, Eric Koomson and Behoush Hosseini also attended the Tropentag 2018. Eric Koomson and Behoush Hosseini presented their posters during the guided poster session.
Also FSC partner and subproject leader within CLIFOOD Prof. Dr. Aberra Melesse from Hawassa University, Ethiopia presented results of his research entitled "Screening of Livestock Feed Resources Owning Low Enteric Methane Emissions for Sustainable Food Security in Sub-Sahara Africa".
More information on Tropentag