Students from Sierra Leone visit the University of Hohenheim
November 17 - December 16, 2018
Three students (1 PhD and 2 Master) from Sierra Leone arrived in Stuttgart on the 17th and 24th of November. The PhD student met her supervisor to plan the fieldwork for her project which will take place at the beginning of 2019 in Sierra Leone. Together with the two master students from Sierra Leone and two other master students from Germany they developed four subtopics for their master thesis so they were able to start working on their proposals. The title of the PhD study is: Comparing dietary intake in Bo and Moyamba Districts with a special focus on micronutrients in children during the first two years of life.
During their stay in Europe, the three students spent one week in Vienna to attend the International Symposium on Understanding the Double Burden of Malnutrition for Effective Interventions. The symposium was organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). It took place at the IAEA, Vienna, from December 10th to 13th.
In order to share our culture and traditions with our guest students, a visit to our Christmas markets and a short tour in StuttgartĀ“s downtown was also part of the program.